GROWTH: Face The Struggle Bridgekeepers Program


Conflict can wear you down.

Weighing out what you think, want and wish along with the expectations of others is overwhelming.

Without a map to navigate the murky waters in a relationship, it's easy to get lost and feel worn out.

Fighting matches are inevitable when you have poller opposites holding tightly to what each wants. You can say things, do things that betray you, leaving you feeling guilty and hopeless.

What if you could learn a method that would lead you to freedom from relational pain?

You could get back to doing the things that you have pushed to the sidelines because the time it takes to deal with relationship mess leaves you with little energy for anything else.

When you are running on empty, it's easy to get defensive, ignore the problem, escape with different activities.

You may want to go into a default mode: getting defensive, ignoring the problem, or wanting to escape or run away from the situation altogether.

The problem is that eventually this catches up with you and it impacts your well being and can lead to mental illness or make it worse.

There is a better way.

You can harness a method that helps you make sense of tough situations. It gives you clarity and helps you regain your footing so that you can make decisions.

You can get unstuck and break free from the relational pain that is holding you back.

Join us as we dive in to explore the model we call FACE to help you navigate the tensions in your life.

  • Ready . . . Set . . . Grow
  • The FACE of Tension
  • Introduction to the FACE Model
  • Goals For Your Own Growth
  • Stressors that Influence Tension
  • F = Feelings, Understanding Your Emotions
  • Roller Coaster of Emotions
  • A = Assumptions, Becoming Aware of Flooding
  • C = Comeback, Understanding How Others Respond
  • E = Effect, How You Cope Matters
  • Summary
  • Let It Go Downloadable Handout
  • Break Out
  • Sculpture
  • The Iceberg
  • Amygdala Hijack
  • Training Your Brain
  • Sticky Situations & Assumptions
  • The More I, The More You
  • Ways to Cope
  • Summary
  • Merry Go Round of Relationships
  • Merry-Go-Round of Relationships
  • Tug of War
  • Their Experience
  • Communication Habits
  • The Past and Present
  • Trauma and Challenges in Communication
  • Communication Tips
  • Summary
  • Drama Is The Enemy Downloadable Handout
  • What Keeps You From Speaking Up
  • What Holds You Back
  • Reasons for Silence
  • Types of Problems
  • Consequences of Silence
  • Reasonable Expectations
  • 10 Rules for Communication
  • Summary
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Resolving Conflicts
  • Overview
  • Types of Conflict
  • Honest Problem Solving Steps
  • Summary
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever